Use throughout the project life-cycle
From feasibility studies to operational modelling, Boxkite’s powerful, validated analysis system will transform your analysis timescales. Integrate with other business systems and add value throughout your organisation.
Site finding, feasibility and design
Efficient iterations are the lifeblood of the wind farm design process, taking into account changing constraints, new cost information, data and modelling assumptions. More, and faster analysis leads to better decisions.
Traditionally there is a choice: Fast, simplistic “back of an envelope” analysis to roughly assess the merits of each iteration, or a consultancy providing something slow and expensive.
Boxkite provides full accuracy analysis in minutes, unlocking a fundamentally different approach to the design process. Quantify changes in the meeting, not days or weeks later.
Learn more about how Boxkite supports the design process, including the extensive built in data library here:
Imagine you’re considering the acquisition of a pipeline of wind farms in various stages of feasibility, development and operation. You have a month to form an opinion on the realism of the Vendor’s yield figures. What do you do?
The answer with Boxkite is simple: Complete a full independent yield analysis of all of them, and still have weeks spare to consider the results, identify outliers, get into the Q&A, and refine as required. Download financial modelling inputs, 8760s, 12x24s and more.
There is simply no way to achieve this kind of informed bid position in any other way. The Boxkite analysis system is unique in its ability to deliver consistent, reliable yield analysis results at scale, anywhere in the world, often before a traditional consultancy has provided a proposal.
Learn more about features for financial modellers here:
Operations and Asset Management
There is a central question for any wind farm operator, asset manager or owner: Did it make as much as it should have done last month?
For any project in Boxkite, the system can tell you exactly how much energy the wind farm should have produced last month, within a few days of the month end. In fact, it can tell you this for every month back to the start of this century. We call this a Hindcast.
Subscribe to a project on the platform to get an email every month with the data you need for monthly reports, in plenty of time to identify performance issues early, and keep operators focused and projects on budget.
Find out how you can use the data to understand your project better here:
Designed for energy integration
The Boxkite system is designed from the ground up to facilitate future feature expansion and integration with other energy business models & systems:
– Native time series modelling;
– Terabyte data sources;
– Scalable cloud architecture;
– API ready;
– Built using Python.
Evolving feature set
Our feature set is continuously evolving, driven by user feedback.
Explore the features of our system to discover how it will help you and your team.