Boxkite’s unique features
Our fast and accurate energy analysis system allows you to optimise layouts quickly, share projects easily, and manage risks automatically.
Accuracy and speed

Traditional methods

Boxkite system
Unlike other tools, there is no trade-off between accuracy and speed. Boxkite is both highly accurate and extremely rapid at processing calculations. This unique functionality means Boxkite can be used for energy yield analysis throughout the design process, from feasibility studies to bankable analysis.
Optimise layouts quickly
The high speed of Boxkite’s system revolutionises layout optimisation; many layout permutations can be investigated to maximise yield.

Share projects easily
Boxkite’s enterprise features allow teams to share work easily, analyse more projects concurrently, and give managers full oversight of results.

Keep track of risks automatically
Boxkite’s automatic risk register highlights key opportunities for improvement.
Our new system for energy yield analysis:
Provides answers in minutes,
not weeks
Multiple sites and layouts can be analysed to reach the best energy yield, even in short bid timescales.
Highlights opportunities
The automatic risk register identifies opportunities to de-risk the investment and project development process.
Enables greater volumes of projects and options to be assessed
One analyst can investigate several sites concurrently, saving headcount and cost of staff time to complete the analyses.
Delays or removes need for measurement
Avoiding mast installation offshore saves time and cost in the development process.
Allows interactive site optimisation and prioritisation
Optimisation maximises competitive advantage and financial return.
Reduces uncertainties in results
Extensive validation using public wind speed and operational data means the uncertainties in LCOE are reduced.
An innovative approach built on industry proven techniques
Explore our technology pages to understand what’s behind our system.